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Nutrition for DNA
Changing DNA Using the Brain
Surprisingly enough, yet still a fully programmed model, the human brain has the ability to free itself from its program, of course, if it takes up the force of exertion and does not cling to […]
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Genetic Changes
We would not be able to adapt to new circumstances without genetic changes. This means that the potential for genetic change is inherent in DNA itself, and the potential for DNA change is also inherent […]
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Multidimensional Nucleotide Links, or Karma in Action
Multidimensional nucleotide links represent a fundamental issue that should be approached first and foremost from an understanding of the brain. But as long as we try to think using equal categories, i.e., stereotypes, we have […]
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It is Possible to Change DNA
Judging by the way present-day research on altering DNA is carried out, it can be said that practical change is not part of the foreseeable future. However, what is currently being done is already a […]
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Diverting Our Attention To the Zygote
If someone had explained to Jasmuheen (Ellen Greve), the famous breatharian from Australia, that there was a relationship between her brain and DNA, which allows, for example, to consume the sun’s energy, she would not […]
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What About the Monkeys?
But what about monkeys? They pick fleas off one another in the most efficient way possible. And their natural brain geometry neither degrades nor improves them, so you can get right into them and conduct […]
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