Genetic Changes
We would not be able to adapt to new circumstances without genetic changes. This means that the potential for genetic change is inherent in DNA itself, and the potential for DNA change is also inherent in DNA itself.
Nobel laureate Tomas Lindahl proved this theory from the perspective of possible mutations (I would add, from the perspective of possible mutation limitations, but there is a lack of interpretation on these possibilities as such). In general, they boil down to the ability to set a direction for DNA molecules. The question is not in limiting the number of mutations for which DNA is responsible, but in their direction.
This direction can be set by organizing the direction of neurons in our brain, deducing the direction from the state of submission of the DNA structure. This means that internally we do not change anything in terms of quantity, but rather the direction, in a way reformatting the traffic time of molecules, offering them a sounder and faster solution to any issue. Since molecular motion in our brain is established by DNA, it is the only thing we can change. Consequently, we can then direct it. Thus, programmed neuron motion should be canceled first at the brain level, and only then can we see what the brain can do with the DNA molecule.
RNA can live comfortably in its own physical and genetic processes and synthesize protein. But DNA is something greater, it is a transitional apparatus, which is unstable, as it is not completely tied to our physical parameters, even though it represents them. That is why it helps us endure, but does not change us, as there must be a superstructure above it. This is provided in the form of a brain, but we do not use it.
Although scientists were close to perceiving this when they rushed to study clairvoyants, which is also a DNA property of these individuals, but I believe they went instead into an interpretation of the brain’s sections, and not neuron directions and causality. And if a scientist is not able to experience the process of vision within themselves, how can we expect any results when everything is built ex adverso? We must cognize the operating system of opportunities, and not private cases still perceived by the majority as deviations. Even the issue of geniuses and exceptional abilities would be an equally fascinating aspect if we simply looked at the world of learning in the proper way, to which the same philosophy can be attributed.
Under any circumstances, our body works continuously to fix us, which is also built into the function of DNA. It is important for us to understand the functions built into development (if any), and why they are silent.
DNA has both subordination and subordinate functions. We praise the subordinate mechanism, although in reality it does not change our DNA and, as a result, it does not change anything. However, we must understand that DNA changes can only exist at the level of content. But where is this master that changes everything? In fact, this master is the brain. It therefore must be clearly understood that «fixing» a genetic code and changing it are different things. Indeed, this is why Tomas Lindahl was carried away by cytosine to plunge nucleotide DNA chains into simpler reactions. And he rushed to save it, even though it was obvious that its damage was caused by the acid-alkali balance and hydrolysis, i.e. the environment where DNA copies itself. In 1996, Tomas was able to reproduce the process of «fixing» a molecule in a laboratory setting, i.e. create a different environment to which attention should be drawn.
DNA instability and its ability to lose its basis until the next mechanism for the reparation of damages have been understood by humans since ancient times. Even though they had no idea about DNA, they had a physical sense of the exertion potential DNA formed in their bodies. In other words, the brain’s configuration has now replaced many of the concepts we declare today, yet cannot use. As Tomas Lindahl stated, DNA reparation studies resemble a worn-out shoe, even though he is one of the people wearing it out.
© Oleg Cherne